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Helena was mostly asleep from exhaustion, but a part of her remained awake and aware. She experienced only the physical sensations, while her emotions and thoughts remained silent. She could feel what was going on around her and what was happening to her body, but her placid mind did not know who was with her and did not have the sense to implement any feelings like surprise or discomfort. She had one spark in her mind that held sentience beyond simple physical sensation, but it thought only of. “Daddy, you’re being very naughty with your hands again and I love being in your arms!” Cathy said loud enough to be heard by several close by.Her comment made others take frequent glances at them, especially his hands. She added to the sexy fun by trying to unzip his fly. “I need your hard cock again, Daddy.”“I notice that your admirers have gone,” he mentioned seeing the empty table. The waitress cleared away the dirty glasses and bottles and wiping the table clean.The song ended and she led. Fascinating to watch as they went about their insignificant lives almost as though they had purpose, but not worth second thought as they burned to charred remains under the magnifying glass held in a thoughtless playground game.No, the angels weren't mankind's protectors. We were. Mankind created us; then they attempted to make us less real. But it doesn't work like that.One would think that we would be too frightening to be seen by humans. But over the centuries I've discovered one certain. "Liz led them to her father's den, which was just off of the front hallway. She closed the door behind them and pulled an armless chair out from her father's desk. "Have a seat, she said. Do you like scotch whisky?" Actually, I do," Tim replied, "but I don't get a chance to have it very often. After all, I'm only eighteen," he laughed.Liz walked over to her father's bar, got some glasses and started pouring. "This is one called 'The Macallan.' It's one of my father's favorites. He lets me sip.
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