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My trained police observation skills kicked into gear. Out of the five, three were passive and two were competing for alpha male.Sandy set the drinks on the table, ignoring their comments about her ass and held out the bar tab. I figured the two alphas would fight for it, which they did.“Who's the new chick?” said a particularly loud guy I'll call "alpha two." He reached out to grab my breast, and with one trained move I put him in a police wrist lock. The look of shock on his face was. Knocking at My office door came jenny with some problem, imagined or real, it was hard to tell and quite irrelevant.?Come in,? said the spider to the fly. Ohh, pardon the creepy image. Perhaps more appropriate and not so ickey: the Lioness to the lamb. Yes, that’s better, predator and prey, huntress and helpless. Lovely images.The lamb sat at My desk talking timidly, saying something unimportant but with her eyes affixed to the cleavage between My breasts. A golden charm, dangling on a chain. ``And we are cautious about who we invite.''While most of the couples were Chinese, there were also international duos such as the hosts, as well as an Italian woman and her Belgian boyfriend, the latter who nursed a bad head cold while his mate chose to care for him between stints upstairs to watch the action.It began somewhat awkwardly. Cold weather and plumbing problems had the pool and hot tub out of commission and the swingers, dressed mostly as if they'd just arrived from their various. He just wasn’t certain how it worked. It looked too squishy to provide any kind of real protection. He was also pretty sure it’d never stretch enough to fit him.“Everything still there?” Marlowe asked. Inventory management was a two person per shift job. Even the AIs weren’t stupid enough to have a single person in charge of the dangerous stuff. He’d been inventorying the right half of the hall while Marlowe had taken the left.“No change,” he intoned.“Did you see the vids on this kid,.
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