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) Some of the stuff is cute while others are down right sick. Looking to my left I see level with my arms, that the wall between the men's and the ladies room has two man-made holes. Looking around I also see just below them over near my knee was another one.In fact taking a long and good look, I could see four different places someone had cut holes between the men and women's toilets. They were all about the size of the old silver dollar. How nice I think, to bad there were no guys around. It. Hip-Hugging, Brief! I liked the way they fit, caressing my family jewels snugly to my body.I will admit that I had a fairly good body for a guy who never worked out and I thanked my family's genetics for that. Not that I ate everything in sight, but my Mother's cooking was healthy and kept me and my Father in good shape.So, when I came downstairs and everyone else was still at the dinner table, I caught all the three new female eyes oogeling me, my Aunt and specially my cousins, Jayne and her. But this woman seemed like an instant friend. ‘Well, good for you. Dear. This is a great place to make a fresh start or just get away for a while. Besides, magical things happen around here. Come on, let’s get your bags and get you settled in. We don’t serve dinner here, but Sam’s up the road delivers a great dry smoked rib dinner with all the fixings. Oh, and don’t forget to order yourself a picnic for tomorrow. I recommend the ham sandwiches. He cures his own and they don’t have to be. Someone to keep Tamara amused with intelligent conversation - and satisfy her particular carnal needs. “So?” asked Elise expectantly giving in to her body’s craving for more salacious information. Tamara raised a nonchalant eyebrow to feign puzzlement. “Come on Tam, I’m on tenterhooks….” Tamara sized her up and concluded that she had Elise in her thrall. It would be delicious agony for Elise if she slowly revealed what they had been doing. Tamara laughed heartily. “Tamara, you tease. I’m.
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