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.. visits ... by his dead wife. I won't tell you the story, because it's his story, but I said to him ... I was sad I'd never had a visit from Barry after he died; I felt so alone. Then last year, I dreamed of him and his wife, who died a year or so before I met him; they said I would meet my life-mate this year. Tonight I dreamed of them again. Now that I'm with you, they can go on, they said. I'm not sure why I was crying. Perhaps there was more than one reason; that they'll be going. "But, if I do meet him again, it must be for the last time!" I said firmly.It occurred to me that I needed a few items of groceries and I walked into the store. I felt the cool air on my bare bottom as I strode with a new youthfulness in my step. I moved quickly through the store aisles and picked up a few items. Then as I neared the checkout line, I passed a display island containing bunches of bananas. I stood examining one of the larger bunches. Suddenly, I could feel my face redden as I. "Chantelle's cheeks colored. "Nor can I. I want tonight to be special, in case..."Nothing is going to go wrong tomorrow, I sent to her telepathically. We were connected by the Siyach ritual. Lilith is a Goddess. She can defeat Mark fucking Glassner.Chantelle gave me a sad smile.I threw my arm around her shoulders. "Come on. My big, fat cock is going to cheer you up. You're going to love it. A real cock is so much nicer than a dildo."Chantelle giggled as I pulled her from the nursery into our. You pull me towards your nakedness and force your cock into my mouth. “It’s okay” my eyes say as you clutch my head and ram the pair of us together, forcing yourself deep into my throat and causing me to gag around you. You like the fact that though I’m gagging around you, my eyes still ask you for more and will continue to do so until… until I get what I need. “Fuck my throat” I would tell you if I could, if my mouth wasn’t full of you. My hands they grasp you from behind, pull you closer than.
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